Monday, November 23, 2009

Caught Up

I struggle with envy. there I said it. It isn't that I am insecure about who I am, I love myself and I love my personality but sometimes I get caught up in that lie. If I just had that or if I could just do that then my life would be square. Uhmmm well no. Not even close. Because when I get that, whatever it is, there is always something more that I want after that. Because that next best thing is going to make things better. It is like a never ending cycle. It has been hard lately. The need to cling has been worse just because I have been on somewhat of an emotional roller coaster lately. I have been praying more and more that God will help me to apperciate those around me and to be content in my own life. I know I am extremely blessed. I am blessed with a wonderful family, especially a mother who cares so much and has been a huge impact on my life. I am blessed with the most TALENTED, AWESOME, REVOLUTIONARY, and INTELLIGENT group of friends a girl could ask for. I am blessed with a wonderful boyfriend who has a big huge heart and really truly cares about me. I am blessed to have a big all knowing and powerful God who knows that plans He has for me. Plans for me to prosper. So really take that "that" because I have got it. And I have a God who has plans. Big Plans.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremiah 29:11, that's your verse, since you were young. Love you!
