I am open to advice. Don't get me wrong. I firmly believe that people should be able to express their opinions and speak their minds. Hey, trust me I am not scared to say how I feel and I really appreciate it when a friend feels they can be honest with me and truly say how they feel. I have a problem when it turns into finger pointing and when it turns it to someone else trying to live my life and tell me how to do things. I am living my life the way I want to. That means I am living my life with God as my number one. Everything I do is for HIS glory yet people still find things that they deem are "wrong". My relationship with Patrick is too serious, I don't have a full time job, I am not in school right now therefore I am not living my life properly, I drive a car that I love but I don't take care of it...BLAH BLAH BLAH. I am not being disrespectful. Like I said when someone comes to me and expresses how they feel about me in a respectful way I will hear them out. I like knowing that I have people looking out for me. But when it turns into "you are wrong, and living your life the wrong way" I get upset. It has been hard lately too because the majority of the people talking and talking don't even know ME. Get to know me before you assume that I am not good enough for my boyfriend or that my job isn't good enough. The only person I have to strive for is GOD and I am doing right in His eyes. If everyone else doesn't want to get on board then it is their loss. I am sick and tired of being a people pleaser. If I was doing something wrong maybe I could deal with all this "talk" a little bit better. Because it is my relationship, my job, my car, my room, my life. I am not doing anything wrong in the eyes of God and I live my life to please Him so why can't everyone else JUST DEAL.
I just had to get that off my chest. I am seriously blessed to have people in my life who care. Who really love me. I just get caught up sometimes. I have to Rise Above the noise and the talk and realize that it isn't me. I am doing what I am suppose to do. Stay in line with the will and purpose God has for my life and everything else will fall into place.
atomic wall clock
4 years ago
Your more than good enough for me, I love you.